Showing posts with label Social Media Marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Media Marketing. Show all posts

Monday 22 November 2021

5 Best Social Media Optimization Tips To Build Brand Awareness

 Many businesses have understood the importance of creating an effective social media presence to connect with their customers. Since many users spend a lot of time on social media platforms, it makes sense for brands to adopt social media marketing to increase brand awareness, user engagement and grow their influence. Here are five tips that can help you to make your brand stand out in the crowd.

  1. Adopt A Personality

In a world of similarities, ensure you have a unique social media presence. You can use your creativity to come up with original ideas and develop a brand voice to make your brand’s presence stand out. The key to connecting with customers on social media is to generate an emotional response from your audience by developing a presence that resonates with your followers.

Instead of just following what others are doing by copying trends, add a personal touch to your posts by including stories and anecdotes. Since story-based content is unique to the person’s experience, it usually gets a bunch of followers and engagement if it adds value to the user’s life in some form.

  1. Make It Pop

By using bright, attention-grabbing colors on your social media profile, you add vibrancy to your content and attract more views. Colors have an important role in content marketing since they grab the eye of the viewer quickly and spruce up generic posts. It is excellent if you want better reach and engagement when you post since they improve the aesthetic appeal of your visual content. 

The color itself should match the tone of the content to effectively create a mood that evokes a positive response. Image creation tools can help you create eye-catching content that grabs the attention of various age groups from different demographics. 

  1. Initiate Conversations Using Tags

Tagging calls the attention of the user who could add value to engagement. Overdoing this can put people off, but while creating interesting posts to publish on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc., you can add tags to keep them engaged and talking about your brand. You can choose the right audience to tag to spread the word about your brand and improve the number of shares. You can naturally incorporate tags in your content by giving users a shoutout to nudge them to your content and get immediate attention.

  1. Use Hashtags Properly

By using relevant popular hashtags, you can generate interest and engagement in your posts. Hashtags are a part of an effective content marketing strategy that adds your content to the vast pool of content that users are searching for and gives you a chance to introduce your brand to more users. If you don’t spam your posts with tags, you can expect to create brand awareness and instant user engagement. 

  1. Redefine Your Content 

Different platforms have different styles and formats for their content. The same type of content won’t work for both Facebook and Instagram. A digital marketing agency can help identify your goals for the various social media platforms and develop a strategy depending on your audience and industry. Taking these specific steps can help you build a brand that positively impacts your business.

Your content should promote brand awareness using images, videos, and other visually engaging content to convey helpful information in an exciting manner. By auditing and planning your social media content, you are more likely to receive the anticipated response. You can use tools and analytics pages of social media platforms to get a holistic view of your content’s performance.

Social media optimization is a beneficial tool to stay active and generate a positive response. These tips can help you develop an effective social media strategy and reach a broader audience to generate interest and awareness about your brand on different social media platforms. At Adaan Digital Solutions, our comprehensive digital marketing services can help improve your social media presence. Get in touch with our social media experts to get started.

Friday 17 September 2021

A Complete List of Services: How A Digital Marketing Agency Can Help Your Business Grow

Most agencies use various tactics, strategies, and tools in conjunction to help a business achieve its marketing and sales goals. Smaller marketing departments may not have the expertise or resources required to do so. As a top digital marketing agency in India, we learn everything about your brand to offer a more comprehensive and effective service. We improve your online presence by understanding your target audience and building brand awareness to create trust and loyalty. Let’s look at the services offered by agencies to create an impactful marketing strategy that can help your business flourish.

  1. Search Engine Optimization

SEO is the most popular digital agency service because it is the most effective technique to get organic traffic to your website since SEO generates higher keyword rankings on search engines, ensuring more traffic, leads, and sales.

Why do you need SEO?

  • By implementing SEO, you are marketing your business to 67 thousand users every second. 

  • According to research, 80% of users don’t acknowledge paid ads in search results.

  • 61% of companies said that their biggest priority was to expand their SEO strategies to get an edge over their competitors.

  • The conversion rate of SEO is higher (14.6%) than traditional marketing (17%).

  • After searching for a local business, 88% of the users are likely to call or visit the business within 24 hours.

  1. Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a digital marketing strategy that uses search engines for advertising to increase a website’s visibility. While the term once referred to both organic and paid search activities, now it refers almost exclusively to pay per click (PPC).

In search engine marketing, advertisers only pay for the number of clicks that result in visitors, spending the marketing budget efficiently. Each visitor also incrementally improves the website’s rankings in organic search results. Search marketing reaches users precisely at the right time, and unlike most digital advertising, it is non-intrusive and produces fast results.

  1. Website Strategy

In terms of optimizing your site for a better user experience, H1 tags, images, load speed, and functional links are just a few of the things that add value to your site. A reliable digital marketing agency carefully goes through your website to create a plan that ensures every aspect works to your benefit. A good website may include:

  • A sales page where visitors can book services or an online store 

  • A blog that builds authority and conveys relevant information

  • A social media plugin that visitors can use to share helpful information

  • Links to your social media pages to increase engagement

  • An about page that creates confidence and builds brand awareness

  • Supporting visuals that clearly show what you offer 

  • Case studies that support your claims

  • Free downloads such as an ebook in exchange for an email address 

  • Mobile responsive and friendly website

  1. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing (SMM) refers to marketing a company’s products and services using social media. Social media marketing helps to engage with existing customers and reach new ones on their preferred social channels while promoting your business.

  • It gives you more exposure and helps you better understand your audience by interacting with them on a personal level.

  • It is one of the least expensive ways of marketing your business on the web.

  • Social media helps to create an image of your brand such that it is the first thing that comes to your customers’ minds when they think about a particular product or service.

  • All social media networks are accessible to the public, so you can carry out an analysis of your competitor’s profile and make a note of all the queries asked by their audience to incorporate them into your marketing strategy.

  • By creating highly creative and visually appealing content, you can catch the attention of all potential customers, making them aware of your brand’s existence.

  1. Email Outreach

Email outreach is the process of promoting a piece of content, requesting a backlink, or attempting to form a partnership/collaboration by getting in touch with other people through emails.

  • Most link-building practices require sending outreach emails. 

  • It helps you build relationships with others in your industry, enabling partnerships, interviews, and guest blogging opportunities.

  • If you send targeted emails to journalists who cover your niche, it can also lead to press coverage.

  1. Re-targeting

On the first visit, only 2% of web traffic converts. Retargeting helps you keep your brand in front of the 98% of users who don’t convert right away. Because it focuses your advertising efforts on people who are already interested and familiar with your brand, it is very effective. Retargeting can help increase conversions, but it can’t drive people to your site, which is why it is used with other marketing tools.

  1. Content Generation and Optimization

Content creation involves generating appealing topic ideas, producing written or visual content for those topics, and making that content accessible to your target audience. It is a term that has been used to describe the process of creating content, including email, text messages, video files, graphics files, office suite files, etc. To be found by search engines, your content must be fully optimized- it can improve your search traffic.

  1. Quality Link Building

Link building is one of the many tactics used in search engine optimization to get other websites to link back to your website. It signifies that your site is a quality resource worthy of citation, so search engines rank sites with more backlinks higher on the SERPs.

  • Brand building: Link building can help showcase your brand expertise and establish authority in your industry. 

  • Referral traffic: If you’re linking to websites relevant to yours, it can lead to an increase in traffic.

  • Relationship building: Link building strategies often involve outreach to relevant websites or blogs, which can help your business build long term relationships with key people in your industry. 

  • Greater sales opportunities: More traffic from relevant sides translates to more sales. Link building will boost your rankings with additional traffic from a qualified referral from which you’ve gained links. 

  1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is an advertising model by which an affiliate or third-party publisher earns a commission for marketing another person’s or company’s products to generate traffic or leads. The affiliate promotes the product they enjoy and receives compensation for the sales driven by their promotion. Affiliate marketing manages to leverage the abilities of a variety of individuals for a more effective marketing strategy. The affiliate may get compensated in various ways, including:

  • Pay per lead

  • Pay per click

  • Pay per sale

  1. Integrated Online Marketing Strategies

Integrated digital marketing involves combining multiple marketing strategies to form a consistent online approach for your business. It typically entails: 

  • web development and design 

  • SEO and SEM

  • content marketing 

  • social media marketing 

  • local listing management 

  • pay-per-click advertising campaigns 

Each strategy, when used in combination, can create a more influential and impactful online presence. Most digital marketing agencies have their own form of integrated marketing, so while choosing an agency, focus on what they bring to the table in terms of resources and proven success. 

We have covered most of the services offered by agencies that can help your business attain success in the digital world. If you require digital marketing services to enhance your online presence and expand your reach, contact us.

Monday 30 August 2021

Why Is Social Media Marketing Not Enough to Grow Your Business?

 No one can deny that the scope of social media marketing in India is immense and rapidly increasing. Social media can be a powerful tool to aid your marketing efforts by raising brand awareness and connecting with a large audience. But because it is free and relatively easy to use, many forget that it is just one part of your business’ marketing efforts. Let’s look at 5 of the top reasons why simply existing on social media is not enough.

  1. Social Media Is Just a Platform

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all were created for socializing. While it is a great place to engage with your audience and share quality content, it is not the centre to conduct your business. The content you present on your social media profile can be shown on your website, where customers can learn more about your products or services and purchase directly.

  1. You Don’t Own Your Content

When you post new content on your Facebook or Instagram profile, the last thing you think about is ownership. You assume that since you created it, the content is yours, but sadly, you’re mistaken. Everything you share on social media- images, videos, and written content are all owned by the platform you share it on. This means that they can use it for their financial gain and redistribute it regardless of your privacy settings and without your permission.

  1. There Is No Guaranteed Visibility

There are 3.5 billion searches on Google every day, so if you only focus on social media without putting any effort to increase your website’s ranking on Google, you are missing out. You can only completely ensure visibility by purchasing ad space on social media but optimizing your website for better ranking on Google is free and lasts longer. You can stop buying ads and observe your engagement rates to understand how visible you are to your audience. Along with ranking on Google for keywords that your audience is searching for, ensure that your website loads quickly and is mobile-friendly. 

  1. No Support for E-commerce

Customers require round the clock support for grievance redressal, and other services and businesses are expected to be online 24*7. Social media doesn’t have the features necessary to support e-commerce. Websites can provide a portal for customers to make purchases and submit enquiries any time of the day. There is more freedom to choose the layout and aesthetic of your website, and you can custom-fit it for the needs of your business. 

  1. Consumers Start on Search Engines

Any company offering digital marketing services knows that it extends beyond social media and more than 90% of all online experiences start on search engines, which is why rankings on the search engine results page or SERP should be your priority. Whenever people are looking for products or services or want to learn more about a brand, they search on Google or go to a website to find them quickly. Creating content for your website that ranks high is significantly more effective at driving traffic than posting on any social media platform. 

Within the first five years, 80% of small businesses shut down. It is important to understand where you should spend your time and money on marketing efforts. There is no one perfect strategy for all businesses, which is why a digital marketing agency can help you minimize your costs while implementing the best practices. You can get in touch with us to get started, and we can help you plan a comprehensive marketing strategy for your business.

Tuesday 13 July 2021

10 Most Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes India - Adaan Digital Solutions

Many consider social media as just another fad, but they are being proven wrong. The scope of social media marketing in India is immense and rapidly increasing further. These platforms provide an excellent way to engage with prospects, raise brand awareness and boost sales. However, there are some amateur mistakes that even big brands make. Let’s discuss ten of the common mistakes you need to keep in mind and absolutely avoid.

  1. Dismissing Social Marketing: It is a common misconception that social media users consist of teenagers or tech-savvy individuals. The fastest-growing demographic is the 45-64 year age bracket for both Twitter and Facebook. So, if you adopt an effective social media strategy, you can stay ahead of the competition.

  1. Working without a plan: Irregularly posting content is a common trap many companies fall into. Posting without a proper plan is a massive waste of time. Goals, budget and a concrete plan of action are all a necessary part of marketing.

  1. Treating all platforms the same: Understanding the customs of the platform you post on is essential. Many make the mistake of using the wrong language on social media. For your efforts to be fruitful, you will need to consider the customs, language, audience and type of content of the network you participate in.

  1. Focusing on followers: Don’t chase subscriber counts, chase conversions. If your performance indicator is measured using the number of followers, it’s bound to fail. The impact of social media marketing on the brand itself is a far better KPI than chasing followers count. 

  1. Choosing the wrong tone: By using a more official tone, you risk sounding too dull. However, being far too casual or worse, offensive is not recommended. You risk coming across as annoying and ruin the brand’s reputation with failed attempts at humour. 


  1. Using Irrelevant hashtags: To involve the brand in a trending conversation and increasing exposure by using hashtags sounds easy. But with the whole world watching, even a slight misstep could cost you and deleting it won’t help either. 

  1. Failure to engage in conversations: There’s no point in updates if no one responds to them. Your posts should evoke and encourage conversations, and algorithms support responses in the comments section. It allows you to communicate with customers directly and connect better with them.

  1. Deleting negative comments: The most unauthentic move is to sweep all negative comments and ugly conversations under the rug. That doesn’t work on a social media platform. Be honest with your audience and be objective when you do get a negative response. 

  1. Connecting, not networking: Social Media Marketing is meant to raise brand awareness but also increase sales. Having random followers who have little to contribute will not produce the desired results. Engage with those who represent your ideal customer or share the same views and interests to increase your exposure and succeed in your marketing efforts. 

  1. Not having a social media policy: Prevent embarrassment due to accidental blunders and adopt a company-wide social media policy. SMM managers should be aware of the policy and adhere to it. Restrict access to official accounts and outline what is acceptable and mark all offensive, sexist, racist, derogatory or discriminatory content as off-limits. 

These are just a few common mistakes to avoid while building a social media presence for your brand. You can start off by noting down your aim and target audience and work on a plan to achieve those goals. If you are unsure how to go about it and want to hire a digital marketing agency, get in touch with Adaan Digital Solutions.

Monday 28 June 2021

5 Social Media Trends Marketers Need to Know About

 We have seen a shift in how brands promote their products and services and have changed their social media marketing strategies. These changes present a new set of challenges for brands trying to adapt to the current scenario quickly. Marketers continue to watch out for new trends to adopt. Here are some of the top five trends that will continue in 2021.

  1. Live streams will continue to be popular


Everyone from influencers to business accounts uses the live feature of social media applications to broadcast their live videos and receive real-time comments and responses. This feature has been convenient during the pandemic where people have to socially distance themselves. Live concerts, interviews, conferences, and other events, all from home, have been possible, and platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Twitch have witnessed a surge in live videos.


For example, Molbak+Home turned to Facebook Live to offer tutorials to allow users to tune in and interact with them in real time. They humanised the experienced and also provided suggestions and answered customer queries in the comments section.


  1. Augmented reality for brand promotions


Remember all those photo filters you use to be a part of the latest Instagram trends? That’s Augmented Reality or AR. It is similar to Virtual reality, but instead of creating a completely virtual experience, it integrates digital objects into a real-time environment. Augmented reality provides an interactive experience that is highly effective for engagement and entertainment. AR promotes new products or drives sales by letting users’ try on’ products before deciding to make a purchase.


Hewlett Packard sent postcard-like flyers to their existing customers to promote their new product. The QR code on each flyer presented the user with different destinations where they would like to go. The postcard transports you to the chosen relaxation spot and ends with a message “downtime for you, not your data”.


  1. Social media platforms to drive digital sales

Commerce has made its way into social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest to provide a different digital shopping experience. Brands can now do business on their social media profiles and buy products without even leaving the apps. This simplifies and shortens the customers’ journey and allows them to view the product while browsing through their favourite social media platforms.

Ink Meets Paper allows its Facebook followers to purchase products without exiting the platform. A ‘View Shop’ button on their business page connects directly to the Facebook Shop, converting users into paying customers by bringing the store to the customer.

  1. Inclusivity and authenticity are vital

With the current COVID pandemic, brands have joined hands with digital marketing agencies to focus on authenticity to take a break from product promotion to gain the trust of their audience and boost awareness. Openly addressing negative reviews and issuing genuine apologies when mistakes are made builds trust and removes barriers between the brand and the customer.

Brands are also under the pressure of being more inclusive in their marketing and operations. People are more aware and want to see the inclusion of all communities so brands can afford to stay silent when their audience is so passionate about issues. Diversity forges deeper connections with customers and makes them feel heard and seen.

Fenty Beauty has an inclusive line of products and is famous for its diversity. Instead of brushing issues under the carpet, they keep it real with their customers and make sure their marketing reflects that by emphasising real people using their products.

  1. Consumers crave easily digestible content

The attention span of social media users continues to shrink despite the huge amounts of time spent browsing through posts. Short-form content like Instagram reels, TikTok videos are highly engaging and provide maximum value in less time. Due to better engagement and visual experience, brands use Instagram stories to educate people and provide condensed content to their followers.

Shopify posted a talent recruitment video as part of their content strategy in the light of COVID-19 to help merchants. They explain how to create footage for social campaigns and recycle existing assets during this difficult time.

The world is constantly changing, and keeping up with trends may prove difficult. Research trends, analyse online behaviour and social media data to determine which trends can help you navigate through 2021. Anticipating trends can help you learn more about social media marketing in India and build a stronger presence. If you want to stay on top of your game, you can get in touch with Adaan Digital Solutions to know more about our services.

Monday 7 June 2021

Best Practices: Using Social Media Marketing To Promote Your Business | Adaan


Knowing the basics is vital, but it's not enough if you would like to stay up with the competition. Follow these best practices to form the foremost out of your Facebook stories efforts:

1. Make material that's entertaining and time-sensitive
Since stories are available 24 hours each day, the "urgency effect" is what makes them so famous. Cash-in of this to supply time-sensitive content which will pique your interest and make a way of urgency.
Consider using a code to market a 24-hour sale, sharing early bird coupons, encouraging people to check in for an occasion, and more.

2. Make it interactive and actionable
Since stories can attract a good audience, use immersive resources including polling and voting stickers to encourage participation.

Ask inquiries to the audience or have prompts for them to reply to. If you're making a story for a Facebook Page, don't forget to incorporate personalized links and buttons to extend interaction.

3. Share third-party content in your stories
Share related, third-party content that your audience would want to diversify your Facebook content strategy. By pressing the "Share" button next to a post, you'll add it to your stories.

4. Track your stories performance
Keep an in depth eye on the performance of your Facebook stories posts. What seems to be gaining further traction? What sorts of posts do people wish to interact with the foremost? Is there some extent at which they stop responding if you share numerous stories? Why post times seem to be the most popular?
Pay attention to all or any of this information to fine-tune and polish your Facebook story plan for greater effect.

5. Share Behind-the-scenes Footage
The most common use of Facebook Stories is to post more of your life as an entrepreneur or small business owner. Allowing people a glimpse into your daily routine will make them feel unique, particularly if you create it clear that you simply don't share this information elsewhere. Take your crowd with you once you attend or speak at events, or show them what your team does daily to demonstrate their creativity and friendliness.

6. Demonstrate Your Expertise
You can use Facebook Stories to post short how-toss and tips within the sort of a group of images with text overlay and/or videos. These are effective at adding value to the audience and putting you as an authority. you'll also build a weekly schedule of varied themes for every day. to extend participation, invite people to reply and tell you which of them tips they find most useful.

7. Share User-generated Content
Using Facebook stories to feature your consumers and their photos or videos with their permission could also be excellent thanks to make them feel appreciated, inspire interaction, and indirectly provide social evidence of your products or services.

8. Determine More About Your Audience
You may get feedback on proposals for a replacement product or service, or find out how your audience feels about your business. Perhaps you'd wish to learn more about them and their way of life. You’ll see strong force if you ask questions that need short one- or two-word responses. the thought that responses are private can inspire people to talk up quite in additional accessible formats like Facebook groups.

9. Shoot vertically
The majority of individuals use their phones during a vertical position. While shooting horizontally, landscape-style is appealing but these photographs wouldn't be as quick and straightforward to ascertain.

People keep their phones vertically 90 you look after the time, consistent with surveys. Let your videos reflect how your clients keep their phones and meet them where they’re.

10. Prepare before time
Creating a content calendar is a method to form Facebook Stories a priority for your business. While creating Stories on the fly are often useful for keeping readers up so far on live events, these reports are more likely to contain errors.

You will have longer to brainstorm, develop, and polish content that shines if you propose ahead. It also keeps you responsible in terms of writing consistently.

Only confine mind that the content shouldn't be rigid. When everybody on the web is talking a few disasters within the news, that specialize in self-promotion may feel a touch out of touch. Don’t be afraid to change your strategy if necessary.

11. Use templates
Not everybody features a keen sense of aesthetics. to not worry; templates will assist you articulate the brand's vibe, whether it's minimalistic, futuristic, or a complete jumble of concepts.

You can also create advertisements using Facebook's own Story templates, which may be found on Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger. After making an account in Ads Manager, simply choose a template and customize it as required.

12. Add Captions
The future is accessible. you would like to form sure the fabric appeals to a good range of viewers. Similarly, many of us watch Stories in silent mode on their phones. If you are doing not have captions, they'll skip your message.

Facebook currently doesn't provide auto-generated captions for Stories. If you are doing not want to place it in manually, there are video editing applications like Clipomatic or Apple Clips which will sync text together with your speech.

13. Include a CTA
Stories will do tons more for the corporate than simply paint a reasonably picture. you'll encourage readers to go to your blog, buy a product, call you, and more by including a call-to-action (CTA) in your posts.

If you would like to watch brand exposure, scope, or video views, attend Ads Manager and prefer to add an internet site URL, then choose your CTA from the dropdown menu. this may appear at the top of the Story.

"Shop Now," "Contact Us," "Subscribe," "Sign Up," and other call-to-actions are available on Facebook Stories. CTAs are present on all Facebook company Pages, no matter their number of followers.

It is time to simply accept the facility of Facebook stories for companies that are trying to realize organic exposure and connect their audiences on Facebook. This guide will teach you the basics and best practices for using the functionality, and now it's up to you to place within the effort. I hope you liked reading this blog and that you will be using the tips and tricks explained in the blog to take advantage of Facebook's story feature by producing specialized, interactive content that supports you and your business. There are many social media marketing agencies and social media management service providers that can manage your social media professionally. It allows you to focus on your business without worrying about Social Media marketing

5 Best Social Media Optimization Tips To Build Brand Awareness

  Many businesses have understood the importance of creating an effective social media presence to connect with their customers. Since many ...